FUDGE Corebook

Last update: 2024-11-21.

character descriptor: skill, gift, fault, superpower, stubby nose…​ Not all traits must necessarily be present in a given game, and their usage and flavor may be wildly inconsistent.

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The Tower

Last update: 2024-11-21.

I awoke from at dream. Sycophants and ambitious underlings jockey obsequiously for power under a despotic overlord high upon the conch shell Tower of their living, dark, bleeding city. The city itself is innumerable toiling masses, their bodies & labour, fuel & fertilizer for the Tower’s machinery, its crab legs, crawling across a barren landscape of fires & ash, the cabal of oligarchs sit at the top, in the marble room with the despot who could not rule a sandcastle, they eat each other and the offal from their remains is swept from the marble floor; it is their blood that stains the walls red, but the offal is carried out, down the spiral outside of the conch shell, a dark red sludg that crawls & grows, joining with the remains from the city’s other ten billion members, becoming a bolus of gristled excrement, defecated on the scorched Earth, below.

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Last update: 2024-07-21.

The surf hissed and splashed and sprayed salty fumes across the beach, and Kaya listened to the salty, warm, asemic sounds it said to her, as she watched the Sun set over the horizon, looking like a perpetually rupturing atomic explosion, which, she mused, was exactly what it was. The surf hissed something about the evening’s exceptional warmth, how turbulent the water was, how uncharacteristic for an evening in autumn, as it coughed up kelp and flotsam and dead fish, then burbled and shrank back from the beach to regather for the next wave.

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Pompt Pomodoro

Last update: 2024-07-14.

The masive ships that ferry people and equipment and ideas from star to star, across the immesurably infinite emptiness

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A Collection of Poems

Last update: 2024-06-18.

In Kansas,
Fishes lay eggs in the sand.
I find and dig them up
And I hold them in my hand.
They tremble and shiver — or is it low blood pressure?
I mutter something about vasovagal
And hypoglycemia,
And ask to buy a bagel.
Tiny precious lives
Inside fragile little eggs,
They tremble and shake,
Teeming with life,
Itching and yearning to break Free.

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Last update: 2024-06-04.

The effects of global warming not only eliminated or endangered many populations, but displaced many more, as species adapted to change by emigrating to climes they could survive. First, the most abundant, and fastest-growing creatures: insects, and many of them, pollinators for various vines and grasses that would follow.

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In (My) Mind

Last update: 2024-04-17.

I was standing in a large room, but outside, like an atrium. The sky above was a marbled blue; whispy curls of clouds, or maybe small white birds glid overhead. I saw, or maybe imagined, my fiancé’s face forming out of them suddenly. Her expression of torment and anguish cried out silently, before evaporating back into the sky. I began to cry. Tears welled up and rolled down my cheeks as I looked to the sky for her face to reappear. She remains absent. From the east, heavy thick stormclouds swarmed in, shading the daylight, and it began to rain. The birds and bugs all went inside, and I stood there crying for a moment, then I turned, and opened the sliding glass door to reenter the house through the patio. I heard someone calling my name. It was my girlfriend, Carla. I shut the door. She called again. I responded, and she found me in the dining room. "Is everything alright?" She looked at me, a little confused, with warmth and compassion in her eyes. I looked outside. The sun was shining on the backyard, spilling light in through the patio. The sound of wildlife communicated softly through the closed door. "It’s a beautiful day outside."

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